

A Strategy For Getting Your Self-Published Book Into Stores

It’s fine to say that you don’t need to have your books in brick and mortar bookstores as long as you’ve got the Internet, but every author and publisher wants that real world presence in their local bookstore, and especially in bookstore chains. Here’s a strategy to make that happen.


The A to Z of Self-Publishing

This excerpt from "The Economical Guide to Self-Publishing: How to Produce and Market Your Book on a Budget" takes you through self-publishing from A to Z


Self-Publishing Means Self-Marketing

There are many advantages to self-publishing, but nobody should make the mistake of thinking that it’s easy. Sometimes the writing and the publishing are the easy parts. When that is done the challenge is to put your work into the shop window, where others can see it. With over a million titles on the market, you are up against some stiff competition.


5 Free Tools to Convert Your Ebook to EPUB and Kindle Formats

When converting your manuscript into ebook formats for your own personal use or sale, there is no excuse for producing a poor quality, poorly formatted file. Free tools are available that can help you create a high-quality, validated ebook file in EPUB or Kinde Format 8 file types.