Prairie Schooner: Publication Information
Prairie Schooner
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Prairie Schooner, a national literary quarterly published with the support of the English Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Nebraska Press, is home to the best fiction, poetry, essays, and reviews being published today by beginning, mid-career, and established writers.
What To Submit:
Prairie Schooner publishes short stories, poems, imaginative essays of general interest, and reviews of current books of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. We read submissions from September 1st to May 1st of each year. All submissions should be typed, and all prose should be double-spaced.
Poetry - Send a selection of 5-7 pieces within a single document.
Short stories and Nonfiction - Send only one selection up to 5000 words.
Click here for submission guidelines
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