Horror Fiction Magazines, Zines and Podcasts
Apex Magazine
Apex Magazine is a genre zine that focuses on dark and spectacular science fiction, fantasy, & horror.
Ascension Poetry Magazine
A poetry magazine publishing poetry that leans toward the fantastical, the dark, and the magical: Fantasy, Gothic, Ancient World, Mythological, Magic Spells, Mystic Visions, Nature, Prophecies, Prayers, Litanies, Dreams, Nightmares.
Blood Bath Literary Zine
Blood Bath is a literary zine; produced in print and EPUB, it is dedicated to exposing Scottish fiction’s weird horror underbelly, publishing horror/genre poetry, short stories and illustration. Horror is our first love, but we also accept science fiction, fantasy and all manner of genre-blending concoctions.
Cosmic Horror Monthly
Weird Tales meets New Weird. Monthly horror featuring the best, brightest, and most otherworldly of new talent.
Diabolical Plots
Online magazine publishing speculative fiction–science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Everything should have a speculative element–that includes horror. Feel free to mix in other genres at will–a fantasy mystery or a science fiction romance.
Hexagon SF Magazine
Quarterly online magazine of international speculative fiction publishing science fiction, fantasy, horror, cyberpunk, sword and sorcery, magical realism, paranormal horror, dystopian epics, eldritch horror, superhero, space opera, afrofuturism, weird west, etc.
Love Letters to Poe
Love Letters to Poe is a haven to celebrate the works of Edgar Allan Poe and encourage the creation of gothic fiction tapped from the vein of Poe—a love letter to the man himself, if you will.
Medusa Tales Magazine
We publish speculative stories (science fiction, fantasy, horror) of transformation between 100 and 5,000 words.
New Gothic Review
New Gothic Review is an online, bi-annual literary magazine for modern Gothic and Weird short fiction. These are stories for the 21st century, stories that rot from the inside out.
Nightmare Magazine
Monthly magazine of horror and dark fantasy short fiction published both online and in ebook format.
Nocturne Horror Literary Magazine
Nocturne Magazine is a zine, established in 2021, that primarily publishes short fiction that mostly fits into the genres of horror, dark fantasy, or speculative.
Suspense Magazine
Outlet for readers of horror, suspense, mystery and thriller novels. Find authors, read stories and author interviews. Subscribe to Suspense Radio on ITunes
The Dark
Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror, selected by award-winning editors Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Michael Kelly, and Sean Wallace.
The Dark Sire
The Dark Sire is a speculative literary journal, a magazine for the unconventional reader of gothic, horror, fantasy, and psychological realism in short fiction, poetry, and art
The Deadlands
The Deadlands is a monthly speculative fiction (science fiction, horror, fantasy, apocalyptic, supernatural) magazine, exploring all aspects of Death and the borders it shares with the living.
The Hungry Ghost Project
We are a magazine that publishes flash fiction and creative non-fiction on the topics of food, hauntings, memory and consumption, together or separately, in whatever form they may take. Gothic, horror, paranormal, hybrid, experimental and creative-critical work accepted.